Starts 10 – 11.00 am Monday’s
Contact Numbers -Yasmin – 07791831300 Lisa – 07811 455725
(both numbers are available during our working hours
Monday – Friday 8:30am -5pm)
Class Details –
We are Yasmin and Lisa, both Level 4 BACPR (British Association for Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation) Fitness Instructors working at the highest level on the Register of Exercise Professionals. We both work for the Worcestershire Acute NHS Trust (WAHT) as Cardiac Rehab Fitness Instructors and PulseFit is our private community based service. Both Yasmin and Lisa are co-partners of PulseFit which has been established since 2006. Together, our combined skills means we are able to offer holistic advice with regards to Cardiac Rehabilitation for primary and secondary prevention purposes.
As members of the BACPR it is vital that we constantly develop our professional knowledge with regards to changes in research of Coronary Interventions and medications. PulseFit then translates their newfound knowledge into the practical setting of an exercise class and tries to ensure that each client is updated with new information so that they can make informed choices regarding their cardiac health.
Expertise offered by PulseFit includes risk assessment on every level, organisation within the community and management of classes. We optimise client fitness by varying exercises week by week as well as offering exercise advice and adaptations to individuals within a group setting. PulseFit has built good relations with other health services and resources which enables us to support patients to the best of our ability.
Although PulseFit specialises in exercising those with a background of some form of cardiovascular disease, anyone is welcome to join.
Parish Council Meetings Starts 7.30 – 9.30pm
Every 1st Monday of the month
Unless it falls on a Bank Holiday then it is held on the 2nd Monday of the Month
Other times available please contact bookings@offenhamvillagehall.org.uk
Or Ring on 07519033287 for details