Offenham Village Hall Improvement and Enhancement Project
Project Description
The project is to build a terrace patio area to the side of the hall. This will provide a new entrance for easy wheel chair access and for parents with pushchairs to the main hall.
The terrace surface will be brought up to the level of the village hall floor, thus removing the 18’’ drop on to the recreation ground, removing all steps and making it easier and safer for users including older people to enter and exit the hall. The terraced area will also be used as a useful outdoor area for functions at the hall for socialising and a viewing area for watching football in the recreation ground and increasing the halls flexibility to adapt to hirers requirements.
New sewers at the front of the hall was to be part of this project with connections to take the new proposed changing rooms and meeting rooms waste.
The surface will be made level with the carpark again making it easier and safer for all to enter and exit the hall from the front of the hall. With a grant from Offenham Parish Council of £6,300 and with £3,300 from our own funds this has been completed
New wider doors will also be fitted to the side of the hall
Both areas will be paved. Safety fencing around both areas will also be installed.
The side of the hall where the new Terrace Patio and wheel chair entrance.
The side of the hall will also be refurbished to give the hall a new lease of life.
The front of the hall before the new sewer system was installed
This will also have new connection for the Proposed New Changing Rooms and join up will the New Terrace Project