Since 1931 Offenham Village Hall has been heart of Village Activities and since the refurbishment has continued to grow.
Our current users are
Offenham Youth Club, Offenham Flower Club, Offenham Parish Council
Offenham Baby & Toddlers Friday, Offenham Maypole Club, Offenham Cricket Club
Offenham Rovers, Offenham Church. Phoenix Theatre Group
Zumba With Tracey Please click on Link for Pictures Of Tracey’s Zumba Class
Yoga with Sofia Tuesday
Evesham Vale Cardiac Rehab
National Childbirth Training
The General, Local and Police Commissioner Elections are held at the hall
The Hall can be made available for any local or national emergency should it arise.
Many children’s parties are held at the Hall
The trustees now hold events in the hall for families to enjoy a drink, a chat and some music.
The Hall is available to book for most types of events.
Offenham Village Hall is fully licensed to sell Alcohol and can provide a bar for any event.
Please contact 07519033287 for all your booking enquiries OR