We are the current Team of Trustees running the hall on a daily basics, but we need to more Trustees to continue improving the Village Hall Facilities and to safeguard the halls future.
If you are interested in joining us please contact us
All village organisations should have one representative as a Trustee /Committee Member..
James Moclair Chairman
Kathleen Henderson Secretary
Martin Roberts Treasurer & Project Manager
Offenham born and bred I moved away from the village in 1978 but continue to work for the community. I have spent many years with the Youth Club and have been Village Hall treasurer since 2002. I spent over 30 years on the Offenham Wake Committee. I was the Project Manager the refurbishment in 2013 the New Kitchen & New Roof Projects after securing over £100,000 and grants towards the cost. I hope to see the hall fully refurbished and successful with the help of the committee and support of Offenham residents.
Kelly Parkinson Booking Secretary
I am a teacher who moved to Offenham in 2007 after meeting my now husband, who grew up in the village. We have a young family and have enjoyed many of the village events that have taken place over the years. I am looking forward to organising forthcoming community events to ensure the hall at Offenham can be enjoyed for many more years to come.
Shelia Briers Vice Chairman
Sue Uri
Originally from Warwickshire I returned to the area after retiring. Most of my working life was in the air industry as both flight and ground staff. Having travelled extensively whilst living in London I now enjoy the small community of Offenham. I have found the residents very welcoming and friendly and wished to involve myself in some way. I joined the hall committee as I am keen to see the village hall maintained for future use.